Latest portraits.
Freedom is being able to hang glide from cloud to cloud over unfamiliar terrain. To be fully present, or to rise above a...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Jon Gjerde from Norway, Voss, gathered 2012-06-21 only the thought is free (and zlatan) here’s to freedom!
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Vidar Herre from Norway, Voss, gathered 2012-06-21 Freedom is to be able to feel free in the midst of everyday life ́s demands and restrictions. Freedom is also about havi...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Ragne Elise Berre from Norway, Voss, gathered 2012-06-21 Freedom is the free movement of body, ideas and soul.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Andy Phillips from United Kingdom, gathered 2012-06-21 Freedom: The ability and courage to make choices based on what you really believe in. To follow your heart, and to liv...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Kristin Glück Evensen from Norway, Geilo, gathered 2012-06-21 Freedom is to be yourself. To make your own choices without being impeded, to say whatever you want, to have your own op...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Tora Berg Hatlestad from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2011-09-19 Freedom is to live with ones family and to make your own choices.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Gard Berg Hatlestad from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2011-09-02 I would like to understand freedom in the context of interpreting the relationship between individuals and state. The in...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Zhou Yong from China, gathered 2011-06-26 At the outer level, I have as a Norwegian, all the freedom a man can wish for. In all my wealth it is still not obvious...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Jon Åsmund Pettersen from Norway, Bergen, gathered 2011-06-23 Freedom is that we all live here, work, creating community where we together are needed and useful. Here we do not think...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Aleksandr Rudnev from Latvia, Rožkalni, gathered 2011-04-15 Freedom is to be safe. to be able to run in the woods and sing as loud as you wish – to be quiet together with a friend.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Vilde & Oda Hjetland from Norway, Kvamsøy, gathered 2010-10-31 Freedom is being able to pursue your true passions and interests, in work, love, family and community. But you must do s...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Erik Solheim from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2010-10-18