Latest portraits.
My idea of freedom is characterized by the need for freedom from thoughts about my trauma, my divorce, my loss, my exil...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Oddleiv Apneseth from Norway, Førde, gathered 2010-10-17 Freedom is to live in full awareness.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Inaky Maneiro from Spain, Leon, gathered 2010-08-17 To believe in yourself; to be unafraid of ful lling your dreams or failing in the attempt. To have an open mind, to lear...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Camino Valesco Isusi from Spain, Leon, gathered 2010-08-17 The Jotunheimen mountains, an august night, dark still waters, a bon re, freshly caught mountain trout hanging over the...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Arne Brimi from Norway, Vågå, gathered 2010-08-13 I think freedom can mean many things, but never war.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Henrik Wahlstrøm from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2010-08-13 Good friends, profound conversations, quiet days, busy days. work, watching the sunrise and the daybreak. hearing voices...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Morten Schakenda from Norway, Lom, gathered 2010-08-13 Freedom means you can do almost what you wish.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Fredrik Tollerud from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2010-08-13 To me, the word freedom refers to everything that is beyond restrictions whether created by myself or others. Like a chi...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Eldrid Oftestad from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2010-08-03 Freedom is to wake each day away from the hospital bed, and nd that life steadily expands through new experiences. My f...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Øyvind Høstaker from Norway, Førde, gathered 2010-07-12 Freedom is to be met and embraced as the strong and sensitive human being I am. It is to make room. To others and onesel...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Ellen Jenssen from Norway, Bodø, gathered 2010-07-12 Freedom is a long road It is a road close to me, the road I choose. It is a long road, the road I don’t want to choose I...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Jacinto Mareno Manteira from Brazil, Santiago praia, gathered 2010-07-11 Freedom: No borders, universal language, equality, peace, love and music, respect.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Rahis Bharti from India, Jaipur, gathered 2010-07-11